Sunday, September 6, 2009

A Minor Disaster

I blame my husband for this, as for most things. If he had been helping me watch our two-year-old instead of napping this afternoon, this would never have happened. Really, my choices had nothing to do with it. That's what I tell myself. Don't disillusion me.

The disaster in question is miscrossed cables, about 6 rows back.

I really don't want to rip back that far, and correcting miscrossed cables is a real pain in the neck. I'd take it to the knit shop, but they're closed tomorrow. So I'll be setting aside my lovely cashmere wrap until I get another chance to go to the knit shop, which will be next Friday. Aaaargh!

I think my knitting feng shui is out of balance or something. I made a mistake on this beautiful wrap. I am entirely dissatisfied with the socks I am working on, and considering frogging them. And I have set aside a couple of projects to work on later. Meanwhile, I have friends popping out babies left and right, whom I am obligated to knit for. I have yarn (thanks to another wonderful yarn crawl yesterday, yay!) but no patterns chosen. This is not for lack of trying. I have looked through my pattern books and searched ravelry. I just can't seem to find the right patterns. Aaaargh!

I don't know why I am in a knitting funk right now, and I don't know how to get out of it, but I am open to ideas... (ie. help!)

1 comment:

  1. I have done stuff like that. Not near the degree that you have but you are way more advanced that I am. Good luck getting it fixed.
