Friday, March 14, 2014

Evolution of a Knitter's Stash

At one of the knitting groups I attend, I recently met a brand new knitter. She's already been bitten by the bug, and has a pretty bad case of infatuation with her new hobby. Last night, as we were discussing stash, she asked us all (in disbelief), "you guys buy yarn without knowing what you're going to make from it?" Her reply was a chorus of laughter.

It got me thinking about how we acquire stash. Knitters differ from each other in so many ways. Some of us are pickers and some are throwers, some are process knitters and some are product knitters, some only have one or a few WIPs at a time, and some have dozens. But I think we all go through the same stages in the acquisition of stash.

I present you with Katie's hypothetical Stages of Stash Acquisition:

Stage 1: The New Knitter. You buy the yarn for your first project, and you cast on. Maybe you finish it first, maybe you don't, but soon you buy yarn for your second project, and your third. Eventually (probably), you finish these projects, and invariably there is yarn left over. This is the beginning of your stash.

Stage 2: Oooh, I want to knit THAT! You've already got projects going, but a pattern catches your eye, and you just HAVE to knit it. You buy the yarn for it, and the pattern, and you set them aside for a time when you have fewer projects or life stuff going on. Now your stash includes not just leftovers from past projects, but yarn designated for future projects, too.

Stage 3: That Yarn Would Make a Great Hat. You've got projects on the needles, and projects planned already, but you see a gorgeous hank of yarn, and a project idea pops into your head. You may or may not have a specific pattern in mind, but at this point, you know about how much yarn you would need, so buy the yarn anyway, and stash it. Now, your stash includes leftovers, yarn for specific patterns, and yarn for vague future plans. Uh oh.

Stage 4 (terminal): What a Beautiful Yarn! You know you've got plenty of stash already. There are more projects in your queue than you could possibly knit this year (or this decade). But the yarn in front of you is so pretty, so unique, or so special that you just have to buy it, even though you have no clue what you'll make with it. You buy an amount that makes sense to you (enough for a pair of socks, enough for a sweater, or all the seller has, whatever) and it goes straight into stash. Every now and then, you see it there, pick it up, pet it and rub it against your cheek, just enjoying the sensation of it. Yeah, you're an addict.

I would venture to guess that most knitters hit stage 4 before SABLE, but anyone could reach SABLE at any stage. My own personal journey into stash acquisition was fairly quick. I covered stages 1, 2 and 3 in my first year as a knitter. It was probably another year and a half after that before I would admit to myself that I had bought yarn without knowing what I was going to do with it. I am solidly in stage 4 now. However, I still haven't reached SABLE.

What about you? Did you go through these stages? Did I miss something? Let me know what you think of my hypothesis in the comments!


  1. I agree with you on the stages. For us crocheters, stash from leftovers may be a little more of a challenge. We tend to find scrap projects to take up the slack. I think I am in stage 4 myself.

  2. The only reason you haven't reached SABLE is because you're so young.
